Strategic Plan: The Future is Bright!
In 2024, NCRPA embarked on a journey to shape our future. The Strategic Plan Committee was established
and worked with a consultant from Armstrong McGuire to re-visit our mission, establish a vision and values,
identify opportunities and challenges, and set priorities. A member survey is part of the overall process along
with interviews of key stakeholders. Look for opportunities to provide your input on how NCRPA can support
you. The preliminary report was adopted by the Board of Directors that includes an updated mission, vision,
and goals. Implementation tactics will be finalized in early 2025.
North Carolina Recreation and Park Association (NCRPA) is dedicated to advancing and
empowering the parks and recreation profession through professional
development, advocacy, and connection
North Carolina Recreation and Park Association (NCRPA) elevates awareness and appreciation
for the parks and recreation profession by highlighting the impact it has in making our
state a desirable place to reside, play, and explore.
Core Values