Around NC 

NCRPA partners with and promotes organizations with similar missions for the benefit of our state.

Find out more below:


Recreation Resources Services

NCRPA works collaboratively with Recreation Resources Service to support the Parks and Recreation profession in North Carolina. 

Great Trails State Coalition

A broad-based group of diverse organizations, agencies and supporters advocating for increased state investment in all types of trails statewide – hiking, paddle, mountain bike, equestrian, paved.

Land for Tomorrow

Land for Tomorrow is a statewide coalition of community leaders, conservation and wildlife organizations, and parks and recreation advocates with a common goal: increasing land and water conservation in North Carolina.

Outdoor NC

Outdoor NC is a movement that is committed to promoting stewardship throughout North Carolina, inspiring everyone to not only experience the outdoors, but embrace and protect it as well.

NC Forever

NC Forever is a unique coalition of businesses and nonprofit organizations that share a commitment to the conservation of our state’s land and water resources.


Resources for the profession may also be available here:


Environmental Educators of North Carolina

EENC’s mission is to build connections, provide professional development, and promote excellence for North Carolina's community of environmental educators.

North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources

The N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources manages, promotes, and enhances the things that people love about North Carolina – its diverse arts and culture, rich history, and :spectacular natural areas. Through its programs, the department enhances education, stimulates economic development, improves public health, expands accessibility, and strengthens community resiliency.

NC Youth Outdoor Engagement Commission

The NC Youth Outdoor Engagement Commission’s mission is to preserve the health, heritage, and natural resources of our great state by inspiring a new generation of outdoor adventurers. The Council provides leadership, guidance, and funding through programs and initiatives statewide, providing kids and teens with opportunities to encounter and experience the outdoors.

North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission

Their mission is to conserve North Carolina’s wildlife resources and their habitats and provide programs and opportunities that allow hunters, anglers, boaters and other outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy wildlife-associated recreation.