
NCRPA is led by our members through engagement with the Board of Directors, Committees, and Advisory Groups. The continued success and longevity of the association relies on the efforts of members from across North Carolina serving in leadership roles. Committee members serve a term of three years. Most committees meet virtually with periodic in-person meetings. Applications for open committee positions are available year round.


Volunteer for a Committee... You won't regret it!

"I decided to volunteer for the NCRPA committees, so I can have input on what is happening on the state level, and to help gain knowledge of how things work on many different levels for different departments across the state. I wanted to bring my unique real-world experiences to the committees and the association, such as military, athletics, law enforcement, and outdoor education. Volunteering was a great experience for me; I feel it helped move my Parks and Recreation career forward at a faster pace."
Keith Dodson
Committee Volunteer, Chapel Hill



Committee members drive our success.
We appreciate you!



The Advocacy committee works with staff to promote the profession to elected officials and the general public. This committee meets as needed.  

Current Members:
Gerard Harvey, NC A&T
Gina Carmon, Davidson
Kaitlynne Temple, High Point University 
Shawna Tillery, Greensboro

Citations & Awards

Committee members carry out the selection process of individuals and programs to receive the Association awards.  The committee meets 2-3 times annually and presents the awards at the NCRPA Conference.

Current Members:
Aaron Davis, Mebane
Cindi King, Morrisville
Dennis Vestal, Greenville
Lisa Wolff, Retired - Burlington
Zach White, Pender County


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

The DEI committee plays a crucial role in creating an equitable association where all individuals feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute to their fullest potential. This committee helps organize sessions to raise awareness and provide resources on topics related to how the parks and recreation profession can be inclusive when serving all community members.

Current Members: 
Almira Marshall, Durham

Carlie Reed, Winston-Salem

D’Leeshia Lee, Goldsboro

Garrett Bryant, Clinton

Rukea Womack, Durham

Taylor Ford, Holly Springs


This committee is responsible for the planning and monitoring of NCRPA’s fiscal policies and procedures, reviews the financial needs of the Association, and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors.  The committee meets as needed.

Current Members:
Tanner Deisch, Chapel Hill

RaShirley Santiago, Elizabeth City/Pasquotank County

Maria Munoz-Blanco, Garner


The Procedures Committee is tasked with crafting and upholding the association's By-Laws and Manual of Procedures. It proposes amendments, updates, and revisions to these documents to the Board of Directors and may undertake additional duties as delegated by the Board of Directors.  This committee meets as needed.

Current Members:
Bonnie Fitz, Warren County

Deb Jordan, ECU

Gil Aguirre, Gaston County


Professional Development 

The Professional Development Committee orchestrates, advertises, and assesses programs aimed at enhancing professional knowledge, leadership, and management capabilities. Its primary focus is on fostering the professional advancement and growth of NCRPA members and ensures education opportunities are relevant. This committee meets virtually each month and once per year in person.

Current Members:
Braxton Patterson, Wilson

Megan Young, Garner

Quentin Jones, Morrisville

Kira Stewart, Raleigh

Allen Jackson II, Marshville

John Rife, High Point


Each committee selects an individual to represent them in the nominations process. This group recruits and reviews the applications for Board and Committee members.  Their recommendation is presented to the Board for review and acceptance.  

Nominations and Applications are accepted year round

Nominate a fellow professional to serve

Board of Directors Application

Committee Application